2018 Day Planner Order Form
Details and pricing on the 2018 Personalized Day Planner and Mail Service.
2018 DAY PLANNER & MAIL SERVICE Professional • Valuable • Memorable
Great for families, business professionals, seniors & clients who like to be in the know!
101-10620178St. Edmonton,ABT5S2E3 1 2 3 REALTY
101-10620178St. Edmonton,ABT5 1 2 3 REA
ARNOLDKENNEDY , Broker cell: 416 659 5961 office: 780 878 8101 fax: 905 878 8188 email: arnold@gmail.com website: arnoldkennedy.com address: 475Main St EastMiltonON L9T1R1
Complimentsof ARNOLDKENNEDY , Broker
Includes: fully personalized front and back cover, cover printed on glossy cardstock, open size 11”x17”, closed size 8.5”x11”.
Available Add-on Options:
Monthly Contact Info
Holiday Greeting Insert
Inside Front & Back Cover
ArnoldKennedy, Broker 780.123.4567
May the Christmas season fill your home with joy,your heart with love,and your life with laughter. Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a Happy NewYear!
Arnold Kennedy, Broker 780.123.4567
tf: 800.309.1747 e: consult@dmsmarketing.ca ARNOLDKENNEDY , REALTOR® 101-10620178St.Edmonton,ABT5S2E3 1 2 3REALTY ARNOLD KENNEDY
Black & White contact text on each monthly spread.
See applicable order form for more info.
Additional space to promote you and your services.
phone 780 489 2969 toll free 1 800 309 1747 fax 780 486 1421 email consult@dmsmarketing.ca address 101-10620 178 St NW Edmonton, AB T5S 2E3 website www.dmsmarketing.ca
1. Choose Your Service:
To order your Day Planner, fill in the Quantity, Per Piece Price (from pricing chart) and Total. Indicate the options you would like as well as the number of day planners we are mailing for you and the number shipped to your office.
*Day Planner Pricing 100 - 200 = $1.68 201 - 500 = $1.49 501 - 1,000 = $1.34 1,001 - 2,500 = $1.24 2,501 - 5,000 = $0.99 *per piece, does not include applicable taxes Order By Ship By August 15 September 15 October 16 November 15 September 15 October 16 November 15 November 30
Order Quantity Per Piece Price Total
Day Planner Option 1: Monthly Contact Info (B&W) Option 2: Inside Front & Back Cover (colour)
$1.00 $0.25 $0.30
Option 3: Holiday Greeting Insert
Mail Service $1.95 Mail Service includes envelopes, postage, processing & delivery to Canada Post Ship to office (min. S&H $15.00) $0.21 *Sub-Total *applicable Taxes to be applied Order by September 15 if you have a mail deadline.
2. Cover Design Info:
Same as last year
Reorder with changes
New order
Name: Title: Company: Address: Office Phone: Cell Phone: Email: Website: Other: Photo on File Photo to follow Template# Custom Design (fee may apply)
Nov. 24 Dec. 1 Dec. 8 3. Choose Mail Service Date*:
6. Method Of Payment: I authorize DMS Marketing to use this credit card for payment of this order. Payment will be processed upon receipt.
* We do our best to accommodate your mailing preference. If chosen date can not be accommodated you will be notified of next available mailing date.
Bill to credit card on file Bill to credit card below
4. Mailing List: Mailing List to follow Use mailing list on file Please supply mailing list in Excel or CSV format and email new lists to: marlene@dmsmarketing.ca. Mailing list & data updates due Nov. 15, 2017.
Mastercard Visa
Card Number Expiry Date Cardholder Name Signature Date
5. Holiday Greeting Insert:
None Letter - print my supplied text (templates available on request, $0.30/ piece)
Letter - I will supply (no additional charge) Other (sample must be supplied for approval by Canada Post)
phone 780.489.2969 toll free 1.800.309.1747 website www.dmsmarketing.ca fax order to 780.486.1421 or email to marlene@dmsmarketing.ca
2018 Day Planner Template Samples Note: Colours & photos will be customized for individual.
Compliments of: Tom Fleming 780-720-6014
2017 Y E A R B O O K
2017 day planner
myrna higgs REALTOR® Certified LuxuryHomeMarketingSpecialist ABR,CLHMS,CIPS.NARGreenDesignation
cell: office: direct: fax: email: web:
403.827.8680 403.254.5315 403.256.8680 403.592.6849 mhiggs@sothebysrealty.ca www.MyrnaHiggs.com
Tom Fleming cell : 780-720-6014 fax :780-570-1955 email : flemingsherwoodpark@gmail.com www.tomafleming.com
613.795.8954 SALESREPRESENTATIVE Kim Ziebell
myrna higgs REALTOR®
Phone: 613.795.8954 Office: 613.830.3350 Fax: 613.691.1239 Email: kimziebell@royallepage.ca Website: www.KimZiebell.ca
D A Y P L A N N E R 2017
#107 - 250CentrumBlvd. Ottawa,ON•K1E 3J1 PERFORMANCE
290, 815-17thAveSW, Calgary,T2T0A1
209-65 ChippewaRoad, SherwoodPark,AB T8A6J7
The finest complimentwe can ever receive is a referral from our friends and past clients.ThankYou!
2018 - 1
2018 - 2
2018 - 3
2017 Y E A R B O O K
2017 Y E A R B O O K
EXCELLENCE EachOffice IndependentlyOwned andOperated.
"LetOur FamilyHelpYours"
LeahNuttall Assistant
REALTOR® KelseyNuttall
Cell: 587.597.HOME (4663) Email: nuttallrealestate@gmail.com www.KelseyNuttall.ca Nuttall Real Estate
RealEstateAssociate Lynn Brunton
RealEstateAssociate Lynn Brun on
403 . 651 . 4301 email: lynnbrunton @ gmail.com www.lynnbrunton.com
9703 100 St.Morinville,AB T8R 1R3 PremierRealEstate
403 . 651 . 4301 email: lynnbrunton @ gmail.com www.lynnbrunton.com
ABE @ ABEhERing . coM A BE : 780-915-1799 ABE HERING
& ROB LEISHMAN RoB @ ABEhERing . coM R oB : 780-903-0096
Kelsey Nuttall
RE/MAX E XcEllEncE 201-5607 199 S t E dMonton , AB t6M 0M8 o fficE phonE : 780-265-1799
100-58102nd St. SW CalgaryAB T2H0H2
"LetOur FamilyHelpYours"
www . ABEhERing . coM
YEG_HomesSold • Facebook.com/nuttallrealestate • nuttallrealestate
2018 - 4
2018 - 5
2018 - 6
Home Sweet Home 2 0 1 7 D A Y P L A N N E R
Office: 905.858.3434 Direct: 416.518.5222 Email: Brenda@BrendaApel.com www.BrendaApel.com
MeadowtowneRealty Brokerage EachOffice Independently OwnedandOperated.
cell: 7808195508 email: trevor.tardif@century21.ca www.trevortardif.ca
CENTURY 21VANTAGE 201 - 10555 172 St.NW EdmontonAB T5S 1P1
Compliments of BrendaApel
2 017 D AY P L A N N E R Complimentsof TREVOR TARDIF , REALTOR ®
Realty Specialists Inc. Brokerage EachOffice IndependentlyOwnedandOperated. 6850MillcreekDrive•Mississauga,ON• L5N 4J9
2018 - 7
2018 - 8
2018 - 9
101-10620178St. Edmonton,ABT5S2E3 1 2 3REALTY
Day Planner 2018
cell: 416.659.5961 office: 780.878.8101 fax: 905.878.8188 MayaNorton@gmail.com www.MayaNorton.com 475Main StEastMiltonONL9T 1R1
MARGUERITEPOULIN REALTOR ® cell: 403 815 9513 email: m.poulin@shaw.ca website: MargueritePoulin.com address: #202, 5403Crowchild TrialNW Calgary,AB T3B 4Z1
101-10620178St. Edmonton,ABT5S2E3 1 2 3REALTY
ARNOLDKENNEDY , Broker cell: 416 659 5961 office: 780 878 8101 fax: 9058788188 email: arnold@gmail.com website: arnoldkennedy.com address: 475Main St EastMiltonON L9T1R1
Complimentsof ARNOLDKENNEDY , Broker
2018 - 10
2018 - 11
2018 - 12
2018 Day PlanNer
LEAH ICALLA REALTOR ® ,ABR, RENE cell: 780 8633870 office: 780 438 7000 email: myhome@leahicalla.com
REAL ESTATECENTRE EachOffice IndependentlyOwned&Operated. 1471740Ave, Edmonton,AB, T6R1N1
ARNOLDKENNEDY Broker cell: 4166595961 office: 7808788101 fax: 905 8788188 email: arnold@gmail.com website: arnoldkennedy.com address: 475Main St EastMiltonON L9T1R1
cell:416.659.5961 office:780.878.8101 fax:905.878.8188
MayaNorton@gmail.com www.MayaNorton.com
101-10620178St. Edmonton,ABT5S2E3 1 2 3REALTY
101-10620178St. Edmonton,ABT5S2E3 1 2 3REALTY
2018 - 13
2018 - 14
2018 - 15
Cities available for 2018-13 are: Edmonton, Calgary, Ottawa, Winnipeg, Vancouver, Toronto & Montreal.
phone 780 489 2969 toll free 1 800 309 1747 fax 780 486 1421 email consult@dmsmarketing.ca address 101-10620 178 St NW Edmonton, AB T5S 2E3 website www.dmsmarketing.ca
5. Choose Template:
ORDER DEADLINE November 17, 2017
May the Christmas season fill your home with joy,your heart with love,and your life with laughter. Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a Happy NewYear!
May theChristmasseasonfillyour homewith joy,yourheartwith love,andyour lifewith laughter. Wishingyouandyour family averyMerryChristmasanda HappyNewYear!
1. Insert Quantity:
tf: 800.309.1747 e: consult@dmsmarketing.ca ARNOLDKENNEDY REALTOR® 101-10620178St.Edmonton,ABT5S2E3 1 2 3REALTY
tf: 800.309.1747 e: consult@dmsmarketing.ca ARNOLDKENNEDY , REALTOR® 101-10620178St.Edmonton,ABT5S2E3 1 2 3REALTY ARNOLD KENNEDY
Quantity will equal mail service quantity ordered unless indicated otherwise. Extra Insert Quantity:
Price: $0.30 per piece
*applicable taxes & shipping of extras not included
May your celebrations be merry;your heart be light;your home happy; your season bright. Warmest thoughts and best wishes for a wonderful holiday and a Happy NewYear.
May your celebrations be merry; your heart be light; your home happy; your season bright. Warmest thoughts and best wishes for a wonderful holiday and a Happy New Year.
2. Choose Verse:
tf: 800.309.1747 e: consult@dmsmarketing.ca ARNOLDKENNEDY REALTOR® 101-10620178St.Edmonton,ABT5S2E3 1 2 3REALTY
May your celebrations be merry; your heart be light; your home happy; your season bright. Warmest thoughts and best wishes for a wonderful holiday and a Happy New Year. May the Christmas season fill your home with joy, your heart with love, and your life with laughter. Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
tf: 800.309.1747 e: consult@dmsmarketing.ca ARNOLDKENNEDY REALTOR®
101-10620178St.Edmonton,AB T5S2E3 1 2 3REALTY
Mayyourcelebrationsbemerry;yourheart be light;yourhomehappy;yourseason bright. Warmest thoughtsandbestwishes fora wonderfulholidayandaHappyNewYear .
tf: 800.309.1747 e: consult@dmsmarketing.ca ARNOLDKENNEDY , REALTOR® 101-10620178St.Edmonton,ABT5S2E3 1 2 3REALTY
Supply my Own (Due by November 17)
3. Choose Font: May the Christmas season... May the Christmas season... May the Christmas season...
6. Method Of Payment: I authorize DMS Marketing to use this credit card for payment of this order. Payment will be processed upon receipt.
Bill to credit card on file Bill to credit card below
Mastercard Visa
Card Number Expiry Date Cardholder Name Signature Date
4. Personalization:
Other: Company: Photo
phone 780.489.2969 toll free 1.800.309.1747 website www.dmsmarketing.ca fax order to 780.486.1421 or email to marlene@dmsmarketing.ca
Made with FlippingBook Annual report