BC Government Action Plan - Homes for People

• • Creating an annual income tested renter’s tax credit of up to $400 per year for renters. • • Offering forgivable loans for homeowners to build and rent secondary suites to increase affordable rental supply faster. • • Introducing a flipping tax to discourage short term speculation. • • Speeding up permitting to reduce costs and speed up approvals to get homes built faster. • • Providing more homes and supports for people experiencing or at risk of homelessness. Our Government’s $7 billion housing investment announced in 2018 and effective tools such as the Speculation and Vacancy Tax have already delivered more than 42,00 homes. Homes for People will do even to more make sure everyone in B.C. has a home they can afford that meets their needs, so people can build good lives and thrive. We’ve navigated a lot of challenges over the past few years, and we’ve made it through together. The actions in Homes for People will deliver more homes for people faster, and build a brighter future for everyone, in every community in B.C.

David Eby Premier

Ravi Kahlon Minister of Housing


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