Clara Mitchell Enns' Home Trends



The home-buying process can be lengthy – but it doesn’t have to be! There are a few things you can do to make finding and buying a new property go smoothly and be timely. First up, make sure to ask any questions you have early. If you aren’t sure about something – let your real estate agent know. The answer can guide you in the right direction sooner than if you hadn’t asked at all. Next, make sure to get pre-approved for a mortgage. Pre-approval means that once you find a home, the financial side of things can move along much more quickly. Finally, if you want to keep your home-buying process on a shorter timeline, be more choosy about the homes you view. While it can be important in many cases to keep an open-mind when viewing properties, visiting every single potential home – even if it doesn’t meet your criteria – can slow the process down. For example, if you know a large yard is a must, don’t view a home that has a small yard, as this feature isn’t something you can change in the future.

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