Courtesy of Alyssa Kasko


There’s something therapeutic about working in the garden. You can feel like a pioneer toiling in the soil, an artisan adding natural beauty to your property or a provider creating a bounty for the table with your own hands. The benefits of a garden are as myriad as the individuals who tend them. But what if you have only a small space to work with, a cramped yard or a confined condominium space? For the visionary, space is not an issue. Here are three tips for creating the perfect small space garden. 1. YOU CAN HAVE GREAT GARDENS IN SMALL SPACES

Careful design: A haiku poem uses as few words as possible to convey the largest message. Your small space garden functions the same way in a physical sense. Pace out your plot, determine what crops, plants or shrubbery will thrive in the space available. If shaded, research plants that love the shade. If subject to sunlight, seek out sun-worshipping varieties. The same applies for any furniture, ornaments, lanterns or equipment you might want to introduce —where will it fit? Always plot it out beforehand. Creative substitutions: Space is always going to be at a premium in any small space garden. If you’ve always wanted a spacious

garden shed to house your inventory of tools, you might be disappointed. However, there are a range of rack systems or other storage options available to the careful shopper. If you’re a skilled handyperson you might be able to hand-craft some storage method of your own, adding your personal touch to the environment. Use of lighting: Throwing light on the space can enhance its airy feeling —making it seem larger than it is. If you plan to use your garden for entertaining or for dining ‘al fresco’ then solar powered lighting will add both function and ambiance to the plot.



Vision and creativity will help to make your small corner of the world a personal oasis of delight and contemplation for your whole family to enjoy.

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