Courtesy of Barb Guiden & Paulanne Peters

IS YOUR HOME SMART? The idea of a smart home is that it provides those living there with an easy way to streamline daily tasks and create a personalized living experience. There are so many different technologies that can be integrated into your home these days and technology is only getting better and more luxurious. Experts predict, based on current trends, there will be over 75 billion gadgets linked to the internet by the end of 2025 and the majority of homes will have at least one form of smart home technology. From security systems, to entertainment features to thermostats, automated window coverings, etc. the options are limitless when looking to make your home more functional for you. If you’re not comfortable researching, installing and utilizing technologies, there are numerous companies popping up that can help you find what you need and want to make your home ideal. FINDING A FLIGHT TRAVEL HACK Coordinating the aspects of a vacation can be daunting especially if it’s not something you’re used to. From flights to accommodations to meals and entertainment, planning can get overwhelming. One way to ease the overwhelm is to use a travel agent or an online booking site that packages flights and hotels for instance. But, if you’re up for the task, did you know Google Travel exists? Simply enter your departing destination and let Google find the flight that works best for you. You can enter a destination or leave it blank to see what options fit your schedule and budget if you’re not particular in where you are going. Or, if you know where you want to go, you can enter the destination but leave the dates open and Google will find the best rates for you. You can add filters to narrow down your results and even see a map option to get a better idea of destinations.


It is possible to fry an egg on a sidewalk. Using a good heat conductor (like a frying pan), you can cook an egg when the sidewalk reaches a temperature of about 158˚F (70 ˚C). Any dark surface that absorbs heat like the hood of a vehicle, will also work.

The dog days of summer are usually the hottest days of summer and span the three weeks from July 3 and August 11. They’re called the dog days after the star known as the Dog Star - the brightest star in the sky - Sirius, which rises around this time of the summer.

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