Courtesy of John & Kim Acevedo


Furniture from a big box store is great - it’s affordable, easily accessible, functional and a blank canvas for you to customize. Imagine if everyone in your family received the same piece of furniture and free reign to adjust it to suit their needs. Each unit would look and function completely different. That’s the benefit of purchasing simple furniture pieces that are rather generic to begin with. As your decor and tastes evolve, you can change them rather easily. From paint, to peel and stick tiles, to hardware and feet, the options are really endless. Then, if you grow tired of the piece or it’s no longer functional, you can change it again, sell it or donate it without feeling guilty. Therefore, before your next big purchase, consider buying something you can personalize yourself. Look online for inspiration or head to your local craft supply or home improvement store to see what inspires you.


As we all know, getting a flu shot is a highly recommended way to prevent the flu this time of year. In addition to preventative vaccines, health experts remind everyone to take these preventative measures to avoid picking up a cold or flu: 1. wash your hands regularly and thoroughly (for at least 20 seconds with lots of soap and scrubbing) 2.ensure you’re eating a balanced diet 3.drink enough fluids so you’re not dehydrated 4.prioritize sleep; aim for seven to eight hours each night 5. reduce stress to keep your immune system in tip top shape 6.exercise daily If you do happen to catch a cold or flu, stay home and away from others to avoid spreading your germs. Cover your nose and mouth when you cough or sneeze with a tissue or the crook of your elbow and wash your hands or use hand sanitizer often.

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