Courtesy of Juzer Presswala

LANDSCAPING MISTAKES TO AVOID Having a magazine worthy yard is something many strive for, but due to a number of circumstances many fall short. There are a few simple things that anyone can do to start on the path to a picture-perfect yard. First, use lawn ornaments sparingly. While those toads, gnomes or mushrooms are cute and add colour where you may not be able to plant a colourful flower, too many can become a distraction. Aim for a few bigger and bolder pieces or groupings of three to five similar smaller items as they will be a lot more appealing than an abundance of mis-matched pieces. Next, ensure you’re mowing the lawn correctly. Lowering the blade on your lawn mower won't necessarily cut down on your lawn maintenance in the long run. By cutting the grass too low, you may actually cause it undue stress which could lead to weaker blades that are more susceptible to weeds, diseases and pests. The ideal length for most grasses is two to four inches. Finally, if you’re planting anything, be sure to read the tag which tells you what conditions (sun, shade, drainage, etc.) are ideal for that particular plant. Trees, shrubs, plants, flowers and vegetables all have different needs and you’ll be able to find something that will fit in the spaces in your yard. If you don’t want to commit to planting something in the ground, containers, baskets and the like are all options as well and can help you determine whether a certain plant would thrive in a particular area or not.


Why did the employee get fired from the calendar factory? He took a day off.

Phil walks into his boss's office one day and says, "Sir, I'll be honest with you. I know the economy isn't great, but I've got three companies after me, and I'd like to ask for a raise, respectfully." After a few minutes of haggling, the boss finally agrees to give him a 5 percent raise, and he happily gets up to leave. "By the way," the boss asks as Phil leaves his office, "which three companies are after you?" Phil replies, "The electric company, water company, and phone company."

Why did the scarecrow win a Nobel prize? He was out standing in his field.

Square Arithmagons


The aim of an arithmagon is to work out which numbers go in the empty circles. The numbers in the square boxes are made by adding together the numbers in the circles either side. For example, if the number in the square box was 10 you could try 6 and 4, but the numbers must also add up on the other edges, making this more difficult than it first appears.

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Answer sheet


See if you can solve these four Square arithmagons. The aim of an arithmagon is to work out which numbers go in the empty circles. The numbers

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