Flexletter Sample


1. I have a neck, but no head. I have two arms, but no hands. What am I? 2. What five-letter word typed in all capital letters can be read the same upside down? 3. Ask this question all day long, but always get completely different answers, and yet all the answers will be correct. What is the question? 4. I cannot talk, but I always reply when spoken to. What am I? 5. What can go through glass without breaking it?

Answers: 1.A shirt, 2.SWIMS, 3.What time is it?, 4.An echo, 5.Light.

Commonyms Commonyms are a group of words that have a common trait. For instance: a car, a tree, an elephant - they all have trunks. Now you try! If you get stuck, answers are below each set of words.

Feeling down and lackluster during the long, dark days of winter is common for a number of Canadians. Staying active and getting out of the house are vital to taking care of your mental health this time of year. Partaking in your usual favourite activities might not be an option with the weather conditions and shortened daylight hours, so it might be time to pick up a new hobby while helping you beat the winter blues. Here are some activities to consider. Volunteer —many worthy causes rely on volunteers to provide services throughout the year. Giving back to a cause that's near and dear to your heart will give you purpose, help you meet new people and provide connection to the community. Take a class —research classes provided by your local community center, gym, church, library or store. You never know what's offered and you can learn a new skill, language or hobby. Exercise —if hitting the gym isn't your forte, know that even taking a walk around the local mall or grocery store will help boost your mood because it will trigger the release of endorphins into your body. Go outside —remember that sunlight is important to your mental health as well, so whenever possible during the day pop outdoors for a few minutes to soak up some winter rays. If it's dark when you arrive at and leave from work, consider taking a bit of your coffee or lunch break outside.

Potato • storm • needle Steam • bird • bubble Ball • salad • coin Cold • fish • ball Miner • dentist • guitarIST Swiss • cream • cottage A . They all have eyes. A. Types of baths. A. They all use picks.

A. They are all tossed.

A. They are all caught.

A. Types of cheese.

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