Jody Lambertus's Home Trends

JODY LAMBERTUS • 780-399-5114

QUICK PLACES TO DECLUTTER Decluttering is valuable whether you're planning to pack up your home and move or just want to simplify your life. It can feel overwhelming, so creating a list and tackling one area or thing at a time is helpful. Here are some things you can declutter when you have a few spare minutes here and there. 1. Old/expired makeup and skincare products as they may cause more harm than good when expired. 2. Pantry items that are past their best before date (or donate food that is still good but you know you won't eat) 3. Junk drawer clutter - test pens, sharpen pencils, organize elastics, etc. to tidy up the common catch all drawer 4. Kitchen utensils. A good way to pare down your lot is over the course of a typical week put tools you use into a vase on the counter. At the end of the week, donate the items you haven't used. 5. Paperwork that you’ve just been piling up on the counter like receipts, coupons, flyers, etc. Go through the stacks, toss what isn’t important, take pictures of what is or file it in a folder for use later. 6. Your vehicle could probably use a good decluttering after the winter as well. Toss trash that has accumulated on and under the seats. It won't help your house look less cluttered, but will put you in a better frame of mind.


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