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BUILD YOUR CLIENT LIST If you don’t have a list together of the people you need to nurture relationships with, it’s time to build one! First things first - How many people should you have on your list? Simply by working with averages, you can start with this formula: For example: If you’d like to gain 15 deals per year from your Sphere of Influence (SOI) and the average person moves every 8 years, you should aim to have 120 people on your list that you’re successfully building a relationship with. These 15 deals can come from repeat business or their referral business. Now that you know how many people you need to nurture relationships with, here’s where to find them, in order of importance. 01. ADVOCATES Advocates are the people who want to see you succeed. These include current and past clients, and your family and friends. Family and Friends want to see you succeed but they still need the reminder that you’re in the business and are looking to grow your business. Deals Wanted x Average Move Cycle = # Contacts on List
NEIGHBOURHOOD MARKETING BOOST We’ve been hearing from agents that farming a neighbourhood or community takes a lot of time and resources and the results aren’t instant. This is true. Because you’re starting to build a relationship with complete strangers, it’s going to take a while for them to recognize, trust and become interested in you and your abilities as a real estate agent. Plus, they have to be in the market for a move. You’re looking to target those people that are in the market and don’t have an agent yet. There are a few ways you can figure out who they are and engage them more so they get in touch quicker. Ultimately you want them to reach out to you and ask about your services or the market in their community. Think about a layered approach with a bus bench, door knocking, a mailed piece, a website and an e-newsletter. • The bus bench raises awareness of you. It’s going to tie in all parts of your marketing because the visual element will be recognizable. Door knocking will humanize you and quickly start building a relationship. A mailed piece will provide value, show how you’re a resource for real estate information and again increase your awareness within the community. A website or social media page (with community-specific information and statistics) will provide more value, create an interest in you as a neighbourhood expert and show that you’re active and invested in the neighbourhood. The e-newsletter is a way to gain contact information for those who have taken an interest in you and what you’re offering. Stay top of mind with them while further strengthening your relationship. Remember to have a call to action on all of your elements and direct prospects from one element to another to build your success: For example, the mailed piece mentions the website, the website links to the e-newsletter, the e-newsletter asks if they’ve found your bus bench, the bench asks them to call you… Ask about our Business Builder and how it can help with your Neighbourhood Marketing. • • • •
Qualified Leads are people that have expressed a desire to work with you: referrals, leads you’ve met with, open house contacts, etc. They know who you are and what you have to offer so they’re now talking to you about real estate. They are in some stage of the real estate process right now – they may be ready to buy or sell or they may be gathering information - it’s important to keep in touch with them regularly so they choose you as their agent when they move forward.
04. SERVICE PROVIDERS Service Providers are people you associate with in the course of day to day life that would fit in an acquaintance category – sales people, contractors, etc. Sending an item of value to these people at their place of work provides an opportunity to build awareness of your business – not only with them, but it can also become a source of referrals if they leave the value item out for other people to see. Associates include the most likely people to refer you to their network. They’re important to keep in your sphere as they want you to succeed as it helps their network. Though they may likely not be in a place to need a REALTOR ® right now, they know people who are. If you send them value, they’ll reciprocate by forwarding your name along to contacts of theirs. When you go through your contacts in these groups you should be able to create a good list to start. If you haven’t reached out to anyone in a while, get on the phone and start reconnecting. Make sure everyone that needs to be on your list is there. Download this handy sphere-building guide from our resources at:
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