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The New Database – How To Tip Sheet
We’ve recently updated our database. If you use our Mini-Mag to keep in touch with your clients, it means an easier, more streamlined interface to maintain your client list. If you don’t use us to keep in touch with your clients, this page isn’t really for you… sorry. New Database: In order to access the new database, you have to be invited. If you try to log-in and it doesn’t work as before, you need an invitation - just email to have one sent to you. Once you’ve activated your account, you’ll be able to log-in and maintain your client list. We have a few video tutorials as well as a User Guide available at:
Tutorials Include How to: • Activate your Account • Open your Client List • Delete a Client
• Add a Client • Edit a Client • Export your List and Find the Record Count
You can access the new database from any browser, your mobile phone and on any platform, 24/7.
If you have any questions, please feel free to give us a call at 1-800-309-1747 or 780-489-2969. You can also email
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