Surrey - Vantage Real Estate Group Home Trends

Vantage Real Estate Group

When you’re considering listing your home for sale, you may feel that fixing it up is a waste of time as buyers are just going to do what they want when they move in anyway. However, experience shows that the better shape your home is in, the more likely you are to receive fair compensation and perhaps even offers above asking price. A home in good repair shows potential buyers you care about the property and have likely taken good care of it while living there. These days, a lot of buyers are looking for a move-in-ready property as opposed to a fixer upper so putting in time and effort for a few upgrades will help in the long run. What types of things should you consider doing prior to listing? A deep clean and declutter is always the first step. Then, smaller fixes that take time but don’t cost a lot of money should be your next priority. Things such as fixing any holes in the walls, spot treating stains in the carpet, replacing broken light fixtures or blinds or curtains and the like will all benefit you in the long run. Larger projects, like new shingles, major plumbing issues, replacing large appliances, etc. would be best to discuss with a professional ahead of time. Many buyers aren’t going to be too excited to fork out the cost of a new roof within a year or two of moving in and thus their offer may reflect that. However, if they’re big fans of stainless-steel appliances and you opt for a lower cost white stove instead, that may turn them off of the house. Let’s discuss those types of alterations before you go ahead and determine the best path forward. FIXING YOUR HOME PRIOR TO LISTING


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