Adding an Image to your Signature
How to Add an Image to your Yahoo Signature
Before you begin:
1. Sign into Yahoo account 2. Open ‘INTER.act Image’ email you received from DMS
Once signed into your Yahoo account: Click ‘Gear’ icon (on the top right side of screen) > Mail Options > Signature (can be found on LH Menu) > editing box will open up - In the drop down menu above the signature editing box, ensure that ‘show a rich text signature’ is chosen - TEXT must be included with your signature image in yahoo mail or the image will not show up when you try to write an email. For example, you can type ‘Kind regards,’ ‘Your Name | Company’, etc. Open ‘INTER.act Image’ email you received from DMS and click ‘view photo’ > click on the magnifying glass icon on the bottom right of the image to isolate it > right click on image and choose ‘copy’ > go back to yahoo signature editing box and paste image
Click on the image you just pasted in the edit box to highlight
Click ‘Link’ button (looks like two chain links). A new window will open asking you to ‘Please Enter URL for Link to Point to:’ > Copy the Digital Web Link from the DMS email and paste it in this field > Click ‘OK’ NOTE: The link to your newsletter is now embedded in your signature image, if the link also shows up as text above or below your image, the text can be deleted if desired.
Click ‘Save’
Test your new signature by emailing yourself, try the link to your newsletter.
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