Keeping You Informed with Linda Linfoot

Linda's monthly e-newsletter

“Keeping You Informed” I work for YOU, not the lender!

L inda L infoot Mortgage Professional

Cell: 604.765.8873 Fax: 1.888.253.4963

Verico Paragon Mortgage Inc 227-5589 Byrne Road Burnaby, BC V5J 3J1

L inda L infoot , Mortgage Professional

TOOLS YOU MAY NEED FOR HOME MAINTENANCE When planning to outfit a new home, most people make lists of things to purchase for the kitchen, bathroom, laundry room, etc. and sometimes forget a very important area of home ownership - the tool box. A basic toolbox will help the average homeowner tackle a number of projects on their own. From hanging artwork to fixing taps and replacing light fixtures, the following tools could come in handy for you as you transition to a new home or even if you've been in your current home for a while and just want to be a little more handy around the house. Consider equipping yourself with: • multi-bit screwdriver or screwdriver set • drill (and drill bits) • hammer (and a rubber mallet) • wrecking bar • level • set of pliers (or at least combination pliers) • stud finder • extension cord (indoor and outdoor) • utility knife • adjustable wrench • caulking gun • toolbox to keep it all contained

Cell: 604.765.8873

L inda L infoot , Mortgage Professional

UNIQUE DESIGN IDEAS TO TRY The change in seasons often motivates people to change the decor in their home. If you're looking for a unique way to change the look of your favourite rooms, here are some ideas: • Instead of painting a stencil pattern on your wall, use joint compound (drywall plaster) to add a textured design to a wall. Or use a sponge, paint roller, brush or rag to create a more abstract texture if you prefer. • Paint your floors with a specialty paint made to withstand foot traffic. Paint the floors a solid colour or add a pattern or design based on the room's overall feel. Don't forget to seal the floor to keep that new colour fresh. • Change out the standard lightbulb for a coloured one. Smart lights can be installed in almost any light fixture to instantly add some fun to a room or set the mood for a themed party. • Rethink a statement wall. As an alternative to paint and wallpaper, create a statement wall with a displayed collection of similar items - hand mirrors, plants, plates, wine bottles, upcycled wood, stones or rocks are some ideas of pieces you can pull together to create a feature wall. • Add a climbing wall to an open area such as an entry way with tall ceilings, an attic with vaulted ceilings or a basement play area, although if built correctly children and adults can scale the walls.

Cell: 604.765.8873

L inda L infoot , Mortgage Professional

QUICK PLACES TO DECLUTTER Decluttering is valuable whether you're planning to pack up your home and move or just want to simplify your life. It can feel overwhelming, so creating a list and tackling one area or thing at a time is helpful. Here are some things you can declutter when you have a few spare minutes here and there. 1. Old/expired makeup and skincare products as they may cause more harm than good when expired. 2. Pantry items that are past their best before date (or donate food that is still good but you know you won't eat) 3. Junk drawer clutter - test pens, sharpen pencils, organize elastics, etc. to tidy up the common catch all drawer 4. Kitchen utensils. A good way to pare down your lot is over the course of a typical week put tools you use into a vase on the counter. At the end of the week, donate the items you haven't used. 5. Paperwork that you’ve just been piling up on the counter like receipts, coupons, flyers, etc. Go through the stacks, toss what isn’t important, take pictures of what is or file it in a folder for use later. 6. Your vehicle could probably use a good decluttering after the winter as well. Toss trash that has accumulated on and under the seats. It won't help your house look less cluttered, but will put you in a better frame of mind.

Cell: 604.765.8873

L inda L infoot , Mortgage Professional

PAINTING OR STAINING A DECK With spring upon us, chances are you're looking at your outdoor space and creating a to-do list to spruce up the area. If you have a deck, one task might be to paint or stain it. Painting a deck can be purely cosmetic, as in you don't like the look of the wood and want it to match or coordinate better with your house or yard, or functional as in the current paint is chipping and peeling. Staining a deck helps preserve the natural look of the wood and prevents moisture damage whereas painting hides imperfections and protects against UV radiation which can also damage the wood. After choosing which option is best for you, keep these factors in mind: • You'll need to paint/stain on a sunny day with no chance of rain for about 24 hours as paint takes longer to dry in humid conditions. • Paint when the deck is in the shade as if it is in direct sunlight, it can dry too fast which causes it to look uneven. • Remove any current paint before applying more and then thoroughly wash and rinse the deck. After the deck is completely dry, you can begin to paint or stain. • For best results, you'll want to apply a coat of primer prior to painting and that takes anywhere from 1 to 4 hours to dry. Staining won't require a primer layer. • You may need multiple coats of paint depending on the colour you want, the state of the wood and drying conditions. • A final layer or sealant is recommended for both painted and stained boards for added protection from the elements.

Cell: 604.765.8873

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