Home Trends from Michael & Janet Tanlimco
There are many reasons you should have houseplants. From reducing stress and boosting your moods to purifying the air and adding to the overall aesthetic, plants are a very common home decor item. Succulents are great plants for small spaces and for those who may forget to water them regularly. They thrive in warm, dry climates so can live pretty well indoors as long as they have access to sunlight. Monstera is another plant that is pretty easy to grow. They're known for their large, heart-shaped leaves that develop holes as they grow. They like humid environments and need low to medium light to survive. Pothos are another leafy green plant that can live in low light situations. Their leaves are also heart-shaped, but much smaller and lighter green or yellow. If you have a bit more of a green thumb, try growing a Rubber Plant which has large, thick oval leaves. They need more specific care (evenly moist soil, regular fertilizer and moderate humidity) but can be lovely for those up for the challenge. It’s always a good time to head to your local garden center to look for plants to add to your home.
604.571.0909 | www.michaeltanlimco.com
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